Use the interactive map below to select a neighborhood and view the HCAT rankings and neighborhood measure report.
How does it work?
The Birmingham HCAT consists of 12 domains and 50 indicators, of which 39 are ranked. One domain may consist of various indicators that are related to, and correspond with, a broader topic. For example, educational opportunities is a domain, which may consist of the following indicators: adult educational attainment, high school graduation rate, preschool enrollment, reading proficiency, and school readiness scores. Each indicator, in this example, has a separate measure, but will be reported and evaluated under the same domain. Additionally, 17 of the indicators in the Birmingham HCAT are weighted. The weights were applied to indicators identified by residents and organizational stakeholders as having the most impact on their quality of life. This allowed the Birmingham HCAT to incorporate the qualitative data of the residents and organizational stakeholders with the quantitative data from the Shape Bham Existing Conditions document.
The domains and indicators serve as metrics to determine the quality of life and overall health of Birmingham’s neighborhoods. These metrics will be used to guide practical, and data-driven policy and funding solutions to drive Birmingham to become a more inclusive, equitable, and healthy city.
The domains and indicators serve as metrics to determine the quality of life and overall health of Birmingham’s neighborhoods. These metrics will be used to guide practical, and data-driven policy and funding solutions to drive Birmingham to become a more inclusive, equitable, and healthy city.